This project (a Decade Action) is a part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 attached to No. 1 90. Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems through global knowledge networks (SmartNet). This project has representatives from 14 different countries and groups including ICES, PICES, AMAP MAP, GESAMP, UNEP. It is a project lead by Matthew Savoca (Stanford University – USA) and Co-lead by Robson G Santos (UFAL – Brazil), Maria Cristina Fossi (University of Siena – Italy), Britta Denise Hardesty (Commonwealth Scientific Research Organisation – Australia), and Miquel Canals (University of Barcelona – Spain). We will create an interface where new records can be easily added to this database. We aim to support the development, coordination, and user interface for a database/web portal, which may include creating our own or adding to an interface that already exists (e.g., LitterBase) Focusing on species that ingest meso- and microplastics (synthetic or semi-synthetic particles 0.1-25mm in length) including fibers, we will apply a standardized rubric to identify a “global top ten” species/genera to recommend for long-term plastic monitoring. These species will be our Global Plastic Ingestion Bioindicators (GPIB). Further, we will promote existing methods and/or develop methods for each selected bioindicator to outline: 1) How to acquire the samples (e.g., sample size needed, time of year to collect), 2) How to process the samples, 3) How to quantify findings, and 4) A standardized reporting framework.
Global plastic ingestion bioindicators